Residential-Grade Clothes Washers
- Manufacturer
- Brand Name
- Kenmore
- Model Number
- 4198#
- Qualifying Entity
- Additional Model Info
- Notes
- Date Available on Market
- 9/24/2019
- Date Qualified
- 9/19/2019
- Purchase By Date (Date Delisted)
- 1/24/2025
- Model Name
- Kit Model Number 1
Extended Properties
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- Energy Star Partner
- Brand Name
- Kenmore
- Model Name
- Model Number
- 4198#
- Additional Model Information
- Date Available on Market
- 9/24/2019
- Date Qualified
- 9/19/2019
- Markets
- United States, Canada
- Energy Star Model Identifier
- ES_0015649_4198#_09242019045556_80018520
- Pd Id
- 2347078
- Upc
- Load Configuration
- Front Load
- Special Type
- Additional Washer Features
- None
- Intended Market
- Residential
- Volume Cubic Feet
- 5.2
- Height Inches
- Width Inches
- 29.0
- Depth Inches
- Integrated Modified Energy Factor Imef
- 2.92
- Us Federal Standard Imef
- 1.84
- Annual Energy Use Kwh Year
- 120
- Integrated Water Factor Iwf
- 3.2
- Us Federal Standard Iwf
- 4.7
- Annual Water Use Gallons Year
- 4899
- Drum Capacity for the Dryer in a Combination All in One Washer Dryer
- Heat Pump Technology for the Dryer in a Combination All in One Washer Dryer
- Combined Energy Factor Cef for the Dryer in a Combination All in One Washer Dryer
- Estimated Annual Energy Use Kwh Yr for the Dryer in a Combination All in One Washer Dryer
- Estimated Energy Test Cycle Time Min for the Dryer in a Combination All in One Washer Dryer
- Energy Test Cycle Information for the Dryer in a Combination All in One Washer Dryer
- Calculated Combined Energy Factor Max Dryness Setting Lbs Kwh for the Dryer in a Combination All in One Washer Dryer
- Additional Dryer Features for the Dryer in a Combination All in One Washer Dryer
- Connected
- No
- Connects Using
- Communication Standard Application Layer
- Direct on Premises Open Standard Based Interconnection
- Paired Energy Star Clothes Dryer Available
- No
- Paired Energy Star Clothes Dryer Energy Star Model Identifier
- Meets Most Efficient Criteria
- Yes
{ "energy_star_partner": null, "brand_name": "Kenmore", "model_name": null, "model_number": "4198#", "additional_model_information": "", "date_available_on_market": "2019-09-24T00:00:00", "date_qualified": "2019-09-19T00:00:00", "markets": "United States, Canada", "energy_star_model_identifier": "ES_0015649_4198#_09242019045556_80018520", "pd_id": "2347078", "upc": "", "load_configuration": "Front Load", "special_type": "", "additional_washer_features": "None", "intended_market": "Residential", "volume_cubic_feet": "5.2", "height_inches": "", "width_inches": "29.0", "depth_inches": "", "integrated_modified_energy_factor_imef": "2.92", "us_federal_standard_imef": "1.84", "annual_energy_use_kwh_year": "120", "integrated_water_factor_iwf": "3.2", "us_federal_standard_iwf": "4.7", "annual_water_use_gallons_year": "4899", "drum_capacity_for_the_dryer_in_a_combination_all_in_one_washer_dryer": "", "heat_pump_technology_for_the_dryer_in_a_combination_all_in_one_washer_dryer": "", "combined_energy_factor_cef_for_the_dryer_in_a_combination_all_in_one_washer_dryer": "", "estimated_annual_energy_use_kwh_yr_for_the_dryer_in_a_combination_all_in_one_washer_dryer": "", "estimated_energy_test_cycle_time_min_for_the_dryer_in_a_combination_all_in_one_washer_dryer": "", "energy_test_cycle_information_for_the_dryer_in_a_combination_all_in_one_washer_dryer": "", "calculated_combined_energy_factor_max_dryness_setting_lbs_kwh_for_the_dryer_in_a_combination_all_in_one_washer_dryer": "", "additional_dryer_features_for_the_dryer_in_a_combination_all_in_one_washer_dryer": "", "connected": "No", "connects_using": "", "communication_standard_application_layer": "", "direct_on_premises_open_standard_based_interconnection": "", "paired_energy_star_clothes_dryer_available": "No", "paired_energy_star_clothes_dryer_energy_star_model_identifier": "", "meets_most_efficient_criteria": "Yes" }
- Manufacturer / Brand
- Model Number
- 4198
- Model Number 2
- Additional Model Numbers
- Wildcard Model Number(s)